Home of the true original Cumbrian Jack Russell Terrier
Please take a trip with us & share our wonderful life with all of our dogs.. Some photos have been taken actullay up caldbeck fell & at John Peels grave side.. Whilst others is just a glance into our life with our dogs.. I will try and get some captions added to the pictures when i get time to do so..
Richard Smith-Carington
12.03.2019 14:59
Hi Denise,
Just spoken to you and wanted to record my interest in a puppy when available. Looking for a Tri-Coloured first choice, definitely rough coated / long coated Phone No is 07888 712470 Thanks
Ann Metcalfe-Gibson
15.10.2016 16:21
Am looking for a small flat coated JR bitch to replace my 7th . Tri coloured if poss. I live in the hills in Cunbria. Thanks
Denise McKenzie Greig
15.10.2016 16:41
Hello Ann, could you call us on Carlisle 01228 523277 where i can discuss this further with you, thank you Denise..
21.03.2016 03:11
Do you ship to the United States?
Denise McKenzie Greig
23.03.2016 10:32
Hello Cindy, Yes due to the UK & US animal import laws we can get a fit to fly certificate & export to your country, of course you pay all costs upfront including the full price of the puppy..
Latest comments
31.10 | 01:18
Yes we do Paul it is maybe better for you to call us on 01228 523277 thank you Denise
31.10 | 01:17
Hi Fiona it is maybe better for you to call us on 01228 523277 thank you Denise
31.10 | 01:16
Hi Christine it is maybe better for you to call us on 01228 523277 thank you Denise
31.10 | 01:15
Yes Christine have have a litter due in a few weeks time, could you call me on 01228 523277 to be added to our waiting list... Thank you Denise